CMRI Diabetes Flow Sheet

Developed By CMRI
Brief Overview/Summary This tool was developed by the Diabetes Coalition of California and the California Diabetes Control Program to help physicians and ancillary personnel provide effective diabetes management.  The flow sheet can be strategically located in a patient’s chart and used to track on-going treatment.  The flow sheet is part of the Basic Guidelines for Diabetes Care Packet which can be downloaded at

May be reproduced with the citation: “Developed by the Diabetes Coalition of California and the California Diabetes Control Program, January 2002.”   Users are free to modify or customize the flow sheet but are requested to credit the original developers.

Setting Outpatient
Target Audience
  • Providers
  • Office Staff
Collaborators and partners in Intervention Development
  • California Diabetes Control Program
  • Diabetes Coalition of California
  • Western region of the American Diabetes Association
Barriers Hard to reach all the right providers. Did outreach to physician offices that we were able to identify, and to all registered diabetes health educators in the state.
Helpful Hints Be sure to test images and messages before you finalize the tool.
Relevant Links

The Diabetes Flow Sheet is part of the Basic Guidelines for Diabetes Care Packet which can be downloaded at the California Diabetes Control Program web site: